I've been working on a new version of the Null Horizon Studio site for some time, and I'm finally rolling it out. The main thing is I'm expanding the scope of the site--before it was mostly showcasing my commissioned figs and now I'm going to focus as much or more on my own projects. I should have a lot of new stuff up in the coming weeks.
Try it out and see if there are any usability issues or other things I need to work out. It's still a WIP and the new platform is more easily modified than the old so let me know if I can improve it (there are few areas I have in mind already such as how the individual galleries are laid out). I could really use your input, thanks!
Oh, and I made a page on Facebook for the studio as well. Just a stub at present, but I plan to use it for sharing pics and ideas from my workbench in addition to networking. I just joined facebook and I think it'd be fantastic for sharing stuff like this back and forth. Null Horizon on facebook
You got some amazing pieces! thanks for posting. Site looks great too. And yes, separated galleries by manufacturer or game system would be nice.
Thanks man! There are some individual galleries found through the dropdown menu, but I'm still working on how best to do them. Right now the individual galleries have the same tiny thumbnails that the side gallery has. I don't want to put all the gallery pics inline in the gallery becasue they are huge, but my WordPress gallery plugin (NextGen) is pretty limited and there is no obvious way to have two different sizes of thumbnails. I have an idea for how to work around this, and I'll see if it works . . .
very nice bro!! Now we just got to get together for some master maze and maybe some hobby time! speaking of which I'm having issues painting up some space marine salamanders, any tips on the green I should be using?
Thanks! I completely agree, we should meet up. I am free to come up on the weekend and do a dungeon crawl. We just need to see when folks are free and set a date. I will start that discussion, maybe make a poll. I like the idea of hobby time as well. If anyone has cat-free space for working I can come up for that, and I can also host hobby time here -- I have a terrific space and light for it, and a friend of mine here wanted to some of that as well. About salamanders, that's cool, back when I first started 40k I planned to paint my marines salamanders, but I only ever finished ONE figure from that army. For the colors, I guess it depends on what tone you are going for. I think GW paints these MUCH brighter than back in the day. For dark green, I would definitely start with Orkhide Shade, that color is fantastic. If you want a vibrant build, I would paint dark angels green over this, because it is still dark, but more intense. Goblin green is a good green for many different mixes--your basic green. Green often turns out really dull. To get a vibrant green, which is usually what I'm after, I almost always mix in P3 Necrotite Green. It's almost fluorescent, but when used to make highlights for something like goblin green, the result isn't too crazy, it's just vibrant. You might not guess it, but I use Necrotite green when painting my ork flesh. Also consider adding a little yellow for highlights if your result is too dull (not too much though). Another good green is Vallejo Light Green 942. This is totally different than GW greens. It is a bright artificial-looking St. Patrick's Day green or toy-box green (much less warm gw greens).
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