Have it your way, Part 2. A fully customizable WordPress solution is just around the corner! I offer to host the site as part of my current hosting package I have set up for Nullhorizon.com. Here are the details. I have a hosting package that let's me link two domains to my server space, but I've only ever made use of one. I've been considering downgrading my account, but using it for Op-For seems the best solution we've considered. I'll take care of the hosting, and everyone interested could be contributors. In return, I'd like to set up a donation button on the blog and a corresponding Op-For warchest. I would aim to raise about $25/year to cover half of my hosting plan costs, and any amount generated above that would go to prizes and other worthy causes to be voted by committee. I would let us all know when we reached the $25 goal.
What do you think?
If you go for it, the next big question is, WHAT IS OUR DOMAIN TO BE?
You know the situation. Op-For, Opfor, OPFOR, OP4, OpFor etc ad infinitum. CR is in possession of the domain op4.net (or .org? .com?). I think if we go with that we need to change our name to match. So far on the blog we've been going with Op-For (or is that OP-FOR?). I know CR and maybe others are invested one way or another (CR has the op-for in his email, etc.) Our yahoo group (anyone remember that?) is opfor (
http://games.groups.yahoo.com/group/opfor/). The op4 domain was grabbed up because it was the only one of any of the permutations of letters that was still available. So if we don't want to be op4, we'll have to add something to whatever we choose (it can't just be op-for, opfor, etc.). Personally I like camel-case (OpFor), cause hyphens are yesterday.
But I'm drawing a blank for a great domain name, so I'm polling you all. Sound off and let me know, is the above solution a good one? And if so, what should our domain be, and how, once and for all, do you spell Op-For?