
Tuesday, April 10, 2012

He's a big fan of Three Dog Night

Silver and green were colors unworthy to adorn the triumphant visage of not-Cobra Commander. So I whipped some paint on him. Still needs a bit of touching up and more work on the Cobra logo. My eyes were giving out, past my bed time, trying to use magnifiers, and watch Zulu at the same time. Give it another go tomorrow, hey what?

Chin chin, and carry on with your mud-pies.


  1. Nice Cobra Commander miniature! Hail Cobra! Hail Cobra Commander!

    Can I ask where you found that miniature? It's a conversion or is a miniature available from some shop? Thanks.

  2. Wow, if I knew that many people read the blog, I'd less obnoxious. Or maybe more...

    JiNNai, its from East Riding Miniatures:

    If you check the earlier post, you can see how I added the cape.
    Thanks for reading!

  3. Excellent. I yet ordered the miniature plus the "jagi" miniature ;) Thanks. Cobraaaahhhh :D
