
Tuesday, April 24, 2012

Anyone else wish 40k didn't suck?

I love everything about it, except the game. This is a photo of I manipulated. Its a battle scene featuring a Slaanesh Hell Strider I scratch built, its featured in BoLS's Lords of Battle.


  1. I'm kinda glad it sucks because I hope it gets knocked off it's peg pretty soon. I'm tried of going to the Sci-Fi section of miniature and game companies and finding nothing but steam bolted gothic arches. There are already game systems and companies that have chosen to abandon the "Needs more skullzzzzz!!!!" aesthetic. I think it's on the way out.

  2. I stopped playing about 15 years ago, to write my own stories and make my own game world, with my own miniatures...but, I did enjoy the game back in the 90's.

  3. Nice photo by the way. I can't comment on 40k, never played it. (and plan on staying that way)

  4. Sweet pic and you know I'm with you. No need to throw out the 41st millennium with the bath water. I think we can find a way to play with our toys and have fun too.
