The Carnival of Chaos Plague Cart construction is underway. I have most all the main structure built now. It will turn out some size larger than the official model, so I am unclear if I will be using it in gameplay or just for added cool factor to the warband. Below is a picture of most the parts piled up before assembling. You'll see the two horses and the model I will be using for the Guardian driver (he is a neat Dark Age model I got at the paint n' take at KublaCon this year)

Wood Working For Dummies
Per Op-For's recommendation (which I highly regard for his conversion skills) I used plastic card for the construction material. The main model is made from 3mm PVC. It was either that or balsa wood. But I felt the plastic would add strength to the model, and I would be able to control it better. I am glad I did! It does take alot more work to prepare, but I think the end result will be great.
All the wood work in the picture was done by first laying out the wood paneling design with pencil, then scoring the lines with a knife, followed by enlarging the cuts with a small pointed file (like seen below).

I will be assembling and building the cart now. I am excited to see it take shape from my drawing sketches to 3D.