OK guys, I declare Sept. 6, 2010 LABORCON 1, and declare James T. Kirk the event's honorary mascot! I've secured the proper sign-offs and we're good to take over the garage and deck for a full day of gaming to celebrate labor day in style (dickies work pants or orange work vests optional).
My little bro. Andrew will be making the trip and should be a good time. Sounds like the following games will be on the menu:
- Warmachine/Hordes
- Post-apocolyptic car game run by Trevor
- Necromunda/Necromunda dungeon
- Infinity/Infinity boarding action
Bring whatever else you want to play and talk to folks and we'll make room. I'll bring out all the board games and am thinking we should reserve a table for boardgame/card game play. Should be able to have 3-4 tables set up in the garage and 1-2 set up on the deck. Anthony has also offered to grill, so bring some $$$ to pitch in for foods and bring snacks and drinks.

Will also be screening REIGN OF FIRE and eating snacks on Sunday evening the night before to get all fired up for the next day.
Should be radical (totally!).